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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Last Years Portfolio

I have finally got around to finishing off the changes that were recommended to me in the portfolio evaluation a few weeks ago. Here are my finished portfolio boards. Now, all I have to do is get them printed, and I am on track.

Looking back at my portfolio from last year has given me some ideas for my layout this year. Last year for me was to get to grips with both Photoshop and Illustrator, as I had never used them before. My portfolio proved to be very experimental, however now knowing more about the programmes, I can produce a much more professional looking portfolio this year. It also freshened my memory of how to use Photoshop and Illustrator again, so I will be able to get on with this years collection portfolio boards. Ideally, I want to try and get some pages done in time for the presentation in December, so that i can visually show my ideas this way.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

2011 Vintage Collection

Last years fashion show went reasonably well. It looked very professional, and was well thought out. There are a few things that could be improved and changed, but that can be seen to in the 2012 fashion show. Taking part in the fashion show in the first year has definately prepared me for what to expect this year, and it has enabled me to think well ahead, of what works well and what doesn't.


My models last year, showcasing the 'Vintage Group Collection'
I'm really excited about the 2012 fashion show, and can't wait to have made all my garments and get to the styling stage! It's all very exciting already!


I've been watching Gok's Clothes Roadshow for the past few weeks, and it has really inspired me to get cracking with the customisation of some of the pieces selected for the Vintage Fair. I really loved the gold glitter heels that he customised, and took on board the current glittery trend for a few of my garments that I have decided to customise.

I have picked out some of the garments and items that i had already donated to the Vintage Fair to customise.
I have slightly altered the metallic top that I donated, by adding a black triple layered sequin trim around the neckline and around the sleeves. I actually had a look around the local shops to get some inspiration, and saw that River Island in particular were hosting a range that they call, 'DARK NIGHT,' which compromises between soft lace and hard solid textures such as sequins and beading. So I thought it would be nice to turn an old top, into something which is bang on trend, and very party season!

I bought this corset for last years customised garment, but ended up not using it due to a better piece turning up. It was a fairly plain Next bodice, with no detailing apart from the panelling. I however, have added a bit of sparkle and a bit of glamour, which makes it more desirable. The trim around the top is the same as the metallic top, but the trim around the waist was made our of three headbands. I think it has an Art Deco feel to it, and really emphasises the waist.

This poncho is quite an open knit, and apart from the scalloped edge shaping, there is little detailing. I thought that it could do with a little touch of colour, so used a thin ribbon to weave in and out of the knit. I think it is just the right amount of colour.

I managed to hunt out some little handbags, which I thought might go well with some of the other garments that have been picked out for the Vintage Village. On the bags, i didn't want to change them too much, and wanted to add some customisation that the buyer could potentially remove with ease. I think by doing this, the product might be more saleable.

On this bag, I actually used one of last years students promotional gifts, and added a few little bits to it. I added a few more dangling charms in the form of beads, and sewed on tiny beads to the bow. I thought it just finished it off. Again, the buyer could take this off if they didn't want it on.

This necklace was slightly broken, and missing some beads, so I decided that it was too nice to throw away, and added some of my own beads to it, finishing it off with a bead at the neck fastening.

These are just a few other things that i have donated to sell, but have not customised due to what they are.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Vintage and Retro Sweets!

I am pleased to say that I have made up all of the sweet jars to hopefully have a vintage feel. I used paper doylies and ribbon on the top, designed some labels on Vistaprint, and made some labels for the sweet names. I think they work really well, and will sell well on the day.

Please do comment on what you think of them, because I want to evaluate them for my reflective diary.

I have also found out some vintage style fabrics which I thought could be used to make some corsages, headbands and other quirky bits and bobs.
I also managed to find these vintage air fresheners, which might also go down well.


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Design Ideas to Date

To date, there is one specific image that has inspired me to the point of not being able to look for other inspiration. The top of this bodice really stood out to me as being very intricately decorated, and has the elements that I want within my designs.The heavily beaded aspect of this specific dress fits my concept and own style perfectly, and is something I can practice on samples for my sketchbook.

Over the summer, I decided upon using a combination of smooth fabrics, and ones with texture or to create texture with fabrics. My main inspiration for this, was a dress by Ian Stuart, who created a predominantly smooth dress, but added excessive volume and texture through handmade flowers.
My aim over the next few weeks is to continue my research, and hope to build on my sources of inspiration to develop me current ideas. I also hope to gather some fabric samples to aid me in my designing and final range plan.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Sweets Idea

I was thinking about the sweets stall that we are having within college to raise funds for the fashion show, and thought that it might be a nice idea to take this idea to the Vintage Village in November. Over the summer i have been collecting loads of jam jars incase this idea goes through, so we could use them to fill with vintage style sweets. These are a few examples that i liked...

I really liked the idea of putting the individual labels on, which i could design and get, and i also like the tops of the jars, as they look a bit more vintage and homemade.
Please do let me know your feelings bout this idea, as i thought it might be a nice idea with Christmas on its way.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Vintage Village ideas

With the Vintage Village in Stockport getting nearer, I decided this week to have a route around to try and find some items that could be sold to raise money towards the fashion show.

 After hearing that buttons seem to go down well, I got out my nans old button box to see if they would be any use. To make it look a bit more 'vintage' I have decided that it would be a nice idea to put them in a wicker basket. I have also got some little favour bags that I thought would be useful to put any buttons bought into.

I also have this vintage looking box which might be useful to either display things in or to sell.

This hat I actually got in a charity shop when it was 'Fill a bag for £1'' when the shop was clearing out, but i haven't yet found a use for it! The shape is unusual and the fabric looks a bit vintage so i think it may be a great addition to our college stall.

!Genuine vintage bag!
I have had this a while, but have never used it, so I am donating it to our Vintage Village stall in the hope that it will raise a bit of money. It looks really vintage and old inside, with a built in little purse which I love!

Not a lover of this metallic top, but with a bit of customising it could end up looking quite fashionable! It also has shoulder pads.