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Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Finished Photoshoot

As promised, here are some of the images from my photo shoot! Also, the place where i got these done is called Awol Studios, which is based in Manchester, and if you want to have a look at what that's like, this is the link
Trust me, looks can be deceiving! I have to admit that when i pulled up to this old mill, and when i say old, i mean like falling down in places; i was a bit apprehensive, and thought how on earth i was going to get a good shoot from here! However, i was pleasantly surprised by how creative and inspiring the interior was, very arts and crafts style and basically a make do situation, but a fab place to be creative!

I have over 300 images, so have just picked out a few to show the different kinds of shots we got. All my other images will be in my photoshoot journal. I now have to pick out the best ones to add to my portfolio. Please do let me know what you think!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Today has been a fantastic day! I am so relieved to say that my photo shoot on Saturday went really well, with over 900 images being taken. Now i am awaiting to see the results, which will hopefully be this evening; so excited!

My biggest relief, is that just today, i have completely finished all my toiles, toile diaries and final garments, and they are all ready to be handed in! Phew. The last dress has got to be the most impressive i must say! Well worth the effort and the wait, its just a real shame that it wasn't finished in time for the photo shoot.

Now it's just a case of tidying up the rest of my work, including the photo shoot journal, but at least the bulk of it is all done and dusted.


As soon as i get the images, i will post them and let you have a look.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Eden Springs!

Eden Springs water donation is well on its way to college! Fab! 

Monday, 14 May 2012

I have my photo shoot this coming Saturday, and i am really looking forward to seeing my dresses worn by professional models. My photographer and I are still trying to find a range of models for my shoot, but finding that models with that one look that you really desire is harder than you think. I never knew that i was that fussy about who my models were until now.

I do have to say, that my photographer is a life saver though. Over the past few weeks, i have had my makeup and hair stylist cancel on me due to unforeseen circumstances, and my model bailing on me too; so i was pretty much left with nothing but a photographer! This was daunting being as the deadline was getting closer. Luckily, Emma was on hand to sort everything out for me, which was an incredible help!!! She really is absolutely fab. Can't wait to work with her on Saturday and see what we come up with for a shoot. 

I have been having a bot of a look at makeup styles for the makeup artist, and have come to the decision to keep it fairly minimal, but highlight the eyes in a subtle way; keeping it feminine and stereotypically bridal.

Possibly something along these lines.

The 5th Completed dress

The last few weeks have seen me making a few alterations to my last two designs, not major changes but a few little ones. I have managed to finish my fifth dress, and have thankfully managed to get a HUGE discount on the trim i have used on it, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford to finish it to the standard in wanted it to be at. A little convincing goes a long way! In return for such an amazing discount, all the supplier wants is a few images of my finished gowns to put in their website, promoting both their company and myself, which is fantastic!

I have to admit, this gown has got to be my favourite so far, as it really highlights what i wanted out of my collection. Glamour, elegance and sophistication.

I am now really eager to get my final dress finished for the fast approaching deadline, and look forward to seing my collection as a whole.